Autumn Sowing
For Your Climate

Flower Inspo

Autumn Sowing Blog

Some ideas on what you can be growing this autumn.


Over Wintering Flowers

Some varieties to sow for early spring blooms.

Trouble with Germination?

7 Germination Tips

Various factors can influence germination, including light, temp, depth and more. If you have every had trouble you may want to read this.


Kale is the veggie that just keeps giving. Harvest this meaty green for months!

Shop Kale Seeds


As it get cooler you can be planting leafy greens again. We just love rocket as its so quick and easy to grow.

Shop Rocket & Lettuce Seeds

Bok Choy

Want something to harvest over winter? Bok choy is the perfect option to plant in autumn.

Shop Bok Choy Seeds
Download our PDF

Sowing Calendar

A calendar of what flowers and veggies you can sow in your climate for each month of the year.