How To Grow Ranunculus Flowers From Seed

Sowing Ranunculus Seeds

Ranunculus are a much sort after cut flower, renowned for the fluffy double flowers in a rainbow of beautiful colours - from soft pastels to deep, rich maroons.

Ranunculus are a cool - temperate climate flower, seeds can be sown earlier than corms from late January to April.

Flowering will occur later if growing ranunculus from seed in comparison to growing from corms, growing from seed will just take a little longer and a bit more patience which is ingrained in all of us flower growers!

Ranunculus need a long cool growing season and do not like temperatures exceeding 20 degrees. 

Germination Tips

  • Seeds can be sown in late summer - early autumn. 
  • Ranunculus seeds must be raised as seedlings. Sow the seeds in the best quality potting mix that is well draining, as seeds are sown when temperatures are cooler and less light as soil will be slower to dry out. Sow 2mm deep and cover lightly. Keep moist, be careful not over water. 
  • Germination takes around 15 - 20 days but can take up to 4 weeks @ 18-20 degrees (heat will slow down the process). Once seedlings are established lower temperatures (10-13 degrees) will benefit the plants.
  • Once the seedlings have two sets of true leaves it is time to harden them off. Do this by putting the seedling outside for a few hours on the first day, gradually working up to a full day to prevent any transplant shock.
  • As with any flower variety, if a seedling is under stress it will effect the quality of the bloom.
Planting Tips
  • Choose a full sun position or part shade position in the garden that has well draining and is rich in organic matter soil. Ranunculus do not like to be water logged. 
  • Ranunculus will benefit from netting support to prevent stems snapping in high winds.
  • Space each seedling 20cm apart.
  • Pinch out the seedlings at around 30cm of hight, this will encourage more branches = more blooms. Pinching will delay flowering by about a week.
Harvesting Tips

  • Ranunculus take around 140 - 180 days to bloom from seed.
  • Ranunculus should be harvested in the morning, before the flower has become fully opened. They have a fantastic vase life of around 10 days.

Ranunculus do not need to be lifted from the ground at the end of the season, but if you do want to divide your ranunculus they will need to be harvested in early Summer and stored in a cool, dry area until Autumn.  

Shop Ranunculus Seed Here

Shop Ranunculus Seed Here