How To Grow Dahlias From Tubers

Each year, the anticipation builds as we eagerly await the moment when we can finally plant our dahlia tubers. These incredible flowers grace our gardens with their beauty throughout the summer and even into the autumn months.

Growing dahlias from tubers is a breeze, especially in the Australian climate, where they can be planted from September to December. Below are a few tips on how to get your dahlias started:

Soil Preparation: Start by enriching your soil with a generous mix of compost and well-rotted manure. This ensures that your dahlias have the nutrients they need to thrive.

Planting: Plant the tubers approximately 10cm deep and space them about 60cm apart. This gives each dahlia ample room to grow.

Alternatively, the tubers can be sprouted in pots and then transferred into the garden. Fill a pot with organic matter, then place the tuber in, leaving the neck just out. Dampen the soil and leave in the greenhouse until sprouted. Mist water if the soil is very dry, otherwise leave. Make sure you harden them off before planting them in the garden. 

Sunlight: Choose a location in your garden that receives full / half sun. However, if the sun in your area is scorching, consider providing some shade protection.

Watering: Water in well if soil is dry. Then once the plant is established water regularly. 

Support: To prevent damage from high winds, it's a good idea to stake or corral your dahlias. If staking do this before planting the tubers to avoid any damage to the tuber.

Pinching: Once your dahlia seedlings have developed 4-5 sets of leaves, you can pinch the tips off them. This encourages the growth of additional shoots, resulting in more blooms.

Deadheading: Regularly remove old flowers from your dahlias. This encourages the plant to produce even more blooms.

Harvesting: Dahlias take around 120 days to bloom, they do not open much after harvesting, so it is important to cut when they have opened but not fully. 

Nutrient Balance: Keep an eye on the nutrients your dahlias receive. Too much nitrogen can result in excessive foliage growth at the expense of blooms. To encourage abundant blossoms, consider using high-potassium fertilisers and iron sulfate.

End Of Season: You can leave dahlia tubers in the ground, but they will form a cluster of competing tubers. It's best to lift and divide them during mid-winter. See how to divide dahlias here.

See our dahlia tuber collection here.

Happy planting! Bec 

The magnificent creamy coffee coloured Dahlia Cafe au Lait.